Optimize marketing planning and execution through advanced analytics
The Big Picture
An India-based telecom service provider wanted to enhance the efficacy of their marketing campaigns by understanding how past campaigns have impacted key brand KPIs such as intention-to-purchase and awareness. It also wanted to understand how it could enhance its campaigns in the future to maximize ROI and understand the key parameters that drive the choice of service providers in the market.
Transformative Solution
To address the company’s challenges, an integrated approach of marketing attribution and equity drivers analysis was introduced. Marketing attribution models were used to identify the historic performance of various campaigns on the key brand KPIs. The initiative quantified the impact of each campaign in generating incremental business performance and established their relative effectiveness. The team identified the kind of campaigns that have larger effectiveness on business performance versus lower-performing campaigns.
Equity drivers analysis, with the help of network models on top of respondent-level equity tracking data, enabled the team to understand how perceptions were built in the minds of consumers. The approach identified which various product and service attributes and equity measures drove the overall brand rating. The impact of each of those attributes were quantified based on overall rating and uncovered key equity paths that could be adopted in the design of campaign messaging and positioning. This helped discover what consumers look for from the category that drove their perception and choice of brand or service provider.
The Change
The identification of key equity drivers (i.e., consumers’ needs) along with the performance of past campaigns enabled the company to validate why certain campaigns performed better than others. The campaign that talked about the key needs, as identified from the drivers analysis, showed better effectiveness than the other lower-performing campaigns.
The organization applied the learning from marketing attribution and key equity drivers into the design of future marketing campaigns, both in terms of marketing budget allocation across marketing levers and in terms of the right messaging that resonates with consumers. This ‘integrated planning’ helped design far more effective campaigns with higher ROI.