Speed to Decision
A client needed a faster, self-sufficient way to analyze and understand the performance of its topline KPI’s, split across zones, countries and vessels.
AWS was selected as the cloud platform to run Fractal’s Cuddle.ai software solution because of its end-to-end availability of key infrastructure components required to deliver speed and high performance. Cuddle.ai was deployed to help the client access information faster, reducing time-to-insight from weeks to days.
Solution Framework
Some of the key components in the solution included EKS – to automate deployment, scaling and management of Dockerized Microservices; EMR and S3 – for data storage and high-speed processing; and RDS Postgres – to store semantic knowledge of the key business concepts used by the client.
The client increased speed of decision-making for key executives without relying on a dedicated internal analytics team. Cuddle’s natural language search helped executives query their data easily, using natural language, while sending real-time alerts on unexpected changes to KPI’s.