The quantum revolution

is coming REAP its benefits now

Solve optimization problems faster and better than ever before

Surpass the technical abilities of the most powerful supercomputers with modestly powerful quantum computers.


Machine learning

Replace traditional processes with quantum machine learning algorithms to accelerate capabilities such as feature mapping, regression, clustering, and more.


Sampling and simulation

Break technical barriers presented by classical computers to achieve unparalleled research growth in information-heavy industries like material science, chemistry, and structural engineering.



Maximize resource use with optimized business processes, logistics, and greater operational insight.


Machine learning

Replace traditional processes with quantum machine learning algorithms to accelerate capabilities such as feature mapping, regression, clustering, and more.


Sampling and simulation

Break technical barriers presented by classical computers to achieve unparalleled research growth in information-heavy industries like material science, chemistry, and structural engineering.



Maximize resource use with optimized business processes, logistics, and greater operational insight.

Quantum can help to solve your optimization problems no matter which industry you operate in

Life science

  • Reduce the lead time from drug discovery to launch by allowing quantum computing to take over resource-intensive tasks such as protein structure prediction and protein engineering and design.

Material science

  • Effectively and accurately simulate materials and nature to develop new materials with minimal impact on the environment.

  • Developing better batteries and fertilizers is just the beginning. Room temperature superconductors will help introduce smaller and more efficient quantum computers.


  • Classical problem-solving and portfolio analysis are highly complex and time-consuming. Quantum computing gives finance businesses the power to ingest and analyze information at an unprecedented rate.

  • Improve risk profiling by supercharging current simulation methods with quantum computing techniques. Quantum Monte Carlo simulations run by IBM are already demonstrating how businesses can improve option pricing.

Logistics and supply chain management

  • Analyzing operational processes accurately and effectively requires significant computing power. Enable your computational processes to keep pace with business growth.

  • Solve optimization problems in record time with quantum machine learning algorithms delivering optimal solutions to business leaders.

Life science

  • Reduce the lead time from drug discovery to launch by allowing quantum computing to take over resource-intensive tasks such as protein structure prediction and protein engineering and design.

Material science

  • Effectively and accurately simulate materials and nature to develop new materials with minimal impact on the environment.

  • Developing better batteries and fertilizers is just the beginning. Room temperature superconductors will help introduce smaller and more efficient quantum computers.


  • Classical problem-solving and portfolio analysis are highly complex and time-consuming. Quantum computing gives finance businesses the power to ingest and analyze information at an unprecedented rate.

  • Improve risk profiling by supercharging current simulation methods with quantum computing techniques. Quantum Monte Carlo simulations run by IBM are already demonstrating how businesses can improve option pricing.

Logistics and supply chain management

  • Analyzing operational processes accurately and effectively requires significant computing power. Enable your computational processes to keep pace with business growth.

  • Solve optimization problems in record time with quantum machine learning algorithms delivering optimal solutions to business leaders.

Our Experts
Quantum Computing
Suraj Amonkar
Suraj Amonkar

Chief AI Research & Platforms Officer

Quantum Computing
Prateek Jain
Prateek Jain

Lead Architect, AI@Scale, Machine Vision and Conv. AI

Enable better decisions

with Fractal

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