Sentiment Strategies LLC, Intermedix Corporation, IRI, Gradient Resources Inc., Birst, Lightspeed HQ, Fractal Analytics, Opera Solutions, OANDA Corporation and Vigilant Solutions are the top ten analytics startups based on an analysis of Crunchbase data today. Sentiment Strategies LLC is included in this analysis as they have had two funding rounds and generated $425M and emerged at the top of the list based on the impartial, vendor-neutral ranking methodology used. I’ve provided the data set for you to complete your analysis here.
There are 2,655 startups listed in Crunchbase as of today and over 200 different categories used for organizing them. Of these, 443 startups have been acquired, 78 have closed, 45 have exited via IPO and 2,089 are actively operating today. You can download the top 100 analytics startups analysis here. As of today, the total funding generated by the top 100 analytics startups is $5.8B.
Finding the Top 100 Analytics Startups
Starting with a total base of 2,655 startups, those that had been acquired (443), closed (78), exited via IPO (45) left 2,089 startups to base this analysis on. Filtering only those startups with up to three funding rounds netted out 1,754 companies. From that set of startups, total funding was used to rank the top 100. The resulting analysis is provided in the Microsoft MSFT -0.99% Excel spreadsheet downloadable here, and shown in the table below.
Source: Crunchbase
The most common exit strategy for analytics startups is to be acquired. With over 2,088 startups in operation today according to Crunchbase, the potential exists for leading enterprise cloud platform providers including Salesforce, Oracle, and others to become global analytics market consolidators. 61% of the top 100 have seen only two funding rounds and with founders often reluctant to take a down round, the analytics startup market is turning into a buyer’s market every day.